Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:
Les Claypool - Bass
Fretless Bass
Les Claypool - Vocals
Tango Accordion
Tim Alexander - Drums
Larry LaLonde - Guitar
Overdriven Guitar
[Verse 1] In a town in south-ern-most Si-ci-ly lived a fam-ily too proud to be poor. In the year that the fev-er took fa-ther a-way, they has-tened to A-mer-i-can shores. Now a mo-ther and her son are stand-ing in line, it's a cold day on El-lis Isle. And they look to the Stat-ue of Lib-er-ty (Li-ber-ty Lib-er-ty) For the boy we have A-mer-i-can life. [Verse 2] Ong is a La-o-tian ref-u-gee he works in the au-di-o trade. The smoke from the flux is fil-ling his lungs he's earn-ing min-i-mum wage. Spend-ing spare time down on San Pab-lo Ave. once a week gets a wom-an for the night. And he writes home tales of pros-per-i-ty ('Sper-i-ty, 'sper-i-ty) For the boy we have A-mer-i-can life. For the boy we have A-mer-i-can life. [Verse 3] And Bob is an un-em-ployed vet-er-an born and bred in the South Bronx He's liv-ing off the streets down in east L. A., re-sid-ing in a card-board box. Now he plays a lit-tle guit and he has a small dog search-ing for a-lu-mi-num cans And he holds on tight to his dig-ni-ty (Dig-ni-ty, dig-ni-ty) For the boy we have A-mer-i-can life He was born to A-mer-i-can life For the boy we have A-mer-i-can life